Digitalization in Food and Beverages Companies of Southeast Asia

Mariya Tsyganova (PhD student)
Contact Person
Dr TAN Chuan Hoo, Associate Professor, School of Computing

15 Jul 2020 Wednesday, 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM

e-Seminar via Zoom

Examiners: A/P Oh Lih Bin and A/P Heng Cheng Suang


This paper presents two short essays that investigate qualitatively the process of digitalization in food and beverage companies in Southeast Asia. Grounded in resource orchestration view and comparative case study analysis, the first essay focuses on the notion of resource liquefaction and argues that digitalization enables companies to liquefy their resources, e.g. expand and contract the resources on-demand, to take advantage of dynamic market opportunities. The second essay follows the digital transformation journey of a manufacturing food and beverages (F&B) company and documents a change in the role of IT department. The IT unit changes its position from a reactive and cost-centric unit to a proactive partner that fully participates in strategizing activities.