Dependable Low-Power Wireless Communications for the IoT
COM2 Level 2
MR3, COM2-02-26
Wirelessly networked embedded systems are increasingly used to build IoT applications in safety-critical domains such as surveillance of civil infrastructure, smart cities, and smart healthcare. These applications require dependable communication performance and need to meet specific reliability and availability requirements even when devices are exposed to harsh environmental conditions, such as heat and radio interference.
Making sure that application-specific dependability requirements are met is, however, still an open challenge, especially for low-power wireless IoT systems.
In this talk, I will present the research activities of my group at Graz University of Technology. Among others, I will illustrate our recent efforts in providing methods and tools to (i) raise the level of dependability of low-power wireless IoT systems and to (ii) support IoT developers in adapting the performance of low-power wireless communication protocols to the specific application needs at runtime.
Carlo Alberto Boano is a 33 years-old assistant professor (tenure-track) at the Institute for Technical Informatics of Graz University of Technology, Austria. He received a doctoral degree sub-auspiciis praesidentis from Graz University of Technology in 2016, with a thesis on "dependable wireless sensor networks" completed under the supervision of Kay Romer. Before joining TU Graz, Carlo Alberto Boano was researcher at the University of Lubeck, Germany (2009-2013) and in Thiemo Voigt's group at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science, Sweden (2008-2009).
Carlo Alberto's research interests encompass the design of dependable networked embedded systems, with emphasis on the energy-efficiency and reliability of low-power wireless communications, as well as on the robustness of networking protocols against environmental influences.
Within this area, he has published over 40 peer-reviewed contributions - including papers at prestigious conferences such as ACM SenSys, IPSN, EWSN, NDSS, ICDCS, and RTSS - and received multiple awards.
Carlo Alberto Boano is also actively involved in the IoT Benchmarking initiative and co-organizes since 2016 the EWSN Dependability Competition quantitatively comparing the performance of IoT protocols in harsh RF environments. For more info, please visit: