Dines Bjorner, PhD, Dr.h.c., Prof. Emeritus,
DTU Compute, Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science,
Techn.Univ.of Denmark, DK-2800 Kgs.Lyngby, Denmark
MAE, MRANS, ACM Fellow, IEEE Fellow
http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/~dibj/ [www2.imm.dtu.dk]

Chaired by
Dr CHIN Wei Ngan, Associate Professor, School of Computing

26 Oct 2018 Friday, 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM

Cerebro@SoC, COM1-02-05


Philosophy of mathematics is the branch of philosophy that studies the assumptions, foundations, and implications of mathematics, and purports to provide a viewpoint of the nature and methodology of mathematics and to understand the place of mathematics.

Philosophy of physics is the philosophical and conceptual study of the major physical theories: statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and quantum field theory, and theories of space-time, gravity, and cosmology.

In this colloquium I present some ideas on a possible philosophy of computer science, at least one of domain science: which are the assumptions, foundations, and implications of domain descriptions and how do they relate to philosophy, in particular philosophy of fysics.

In my talk I will first give a capsule view of domain analysis & description, then review relevant parts of the philosophy of Kai Sorlander, and finally interpret that philosophy in the light of domain science.


DB was Prof. of Computing Science at The Techn. Univ. of Denmark 1. Sept. 1976 - 31 March 2007. DB was with IBM R&D 1962-1976. At IBM DB worked with Gene Amdahl, John Backus, E.F.Codd (Relational Databases) and at the IBM Lab., Vienna, Austria - where DB worked in the small team first R&D'ing VDM, the Vienna Development Method, the first ISO standardised formal method. DB co-founded Dansk Datamatik Center 1979-1989, led many EU R&D projects including the formal spec. of a semantics for Ada, the R&D of, and compilers for CHILL and Ada, and the RAISE, Rigorous Approach to Industrial Software Engineering. 1991-1997 DB was founding and first UN Director of the Macau-based UNU-IIST, the UN University's Intl. Inst. for SW Techn. In 2006 DB published a three volume book "Software Engineering" with Springer.