Research Fast and Slow

Associate Professor Kan Min-Yen
School of Computing

Chaired by
Dr NG Hwee Tou, Provost's Chair Professor, School of Computing

24 Jul 2018 Tuesday, 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM

MR1, COM1-03-19


Research has benefitted from the current age of accelerations, as evidenced from the increase in the publishing rate and volume of new scholarly work. We first characterise this research fast trend and follow by discussing how NLP can help further improve research productivity through the application on NLP on scholarly discourse. We also discuss the benefits of research slow -- the active, strategic application of a mix of long-term challenges, policy and forecasting. We end with a challenge to scholars to commit to time to slow research and its imaginative ends.

This is a practice talk for a keynote at COLING 2018 (Santa Fe, USA; August). Critical comments and feedback most appreciated.


Min-Yen Kan (BS; MS; PhD Columbia Univ.; SACM, SIEEE) is an associate professor at the National University of Singapore. He serves the School of Computing as an Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies; and the University as a Deputy Director (Research) in the NUS Institute of the Application of Learning Sciences and Education Technology (ALSET). Min is an active member of the Association of Computational Linguistics (ACL), and was a previous executive board member (2012-2015) and has been maintaining the ACL Anthology, the community's largest archive of published research, since 2008. He is an associate editor for the Springer "Information Retrieval" journal. His research interests include digital libraries and applied natural language processing and information retrieval. He is recognised as a distinguished speaker by the ACM for natural language processing and digital libraries research. Specific projects include work in the areas of scientific discourse analysis, full-text literature mining, machine translation, lexical semantics and applied text summarization. http://wing.comp.nus.edu.sg/