NUS Open Day 2018
Contact Person
NUS Computing
10 Mar 2018 Saturday, 08:00 AM to 06:00 PM
A19 Computing Booth Level 3, Stephen Riady Centre, NUS UTown
Programme Talks
Our Dean, Professor Mohan Kankanhalli, will be giving the 12pm talk.
Attend our "Why Computing?" talks to find out more about our programmes.
Why Computing?
Not sure about Computing?
Computer Science
2pm and 5pm
A20 (Practice Room 1)
Information Systems
10am and 1pm
A20 (Practice Room 1)
Computer Engineering
1pm and 4pm
A21 (Dance Atelier 1)
Business Analytics
9am and 4pm
A20 (Practice Room 1)
Information Security
9am and 12pm
A21 (Dance Atelier 1)