Role Of Contextual Marketing Practice On A Consumer's Mobile Ad Response Behavior
Dr Phan Tuan Quang, Associate Professor, School of Computing
COM2 Level 1
Despite various potential opportunities, marketers are still facing significant challenges in leveraging mobile platforms effectively for marketing campaigns. Accordingly, we found two prominent research gaps in the existing literature. First, due to the limited screen size, mobile ads may not present sufficiently relevant informational content to draw consumers' attention to ads. Second, mobile ads are often presented to consumers during windows of inopportune times or in less than relevant and desirable contexts. Hence, this thesis develops two studies to address the above two gaps.
The first study examines how the role of affective factors influence mobile ad response behaviors by focusing on 1) how emotional states such as valence and arousal levels extracted from mobile ad images, and 2) how the effect of weather conditions, as a predictor for individuals' moods, influence a consumer's response to mobile ads. The interaction effects between emotional dimensions (i.e., valence and arousal) and weather-induced mood states are also examined to yield a better understanding of consumers' mobile ad responses.
The second study investigates how a condition of high mental stress as a situational contextual factor may influence a consumer's mobile ad response behavior. I further examine which type of executional ad formats between an emotional ad appeal and an informational ad appeal in a mobile advertising context is more effective in enhancing the ad performance for an individual under a stressful situation.
Overall, based on data-mining and econometrics approaches, this dissertation focuses on examining the effect of novel contextual factors that can influence consumers' mobile ad response behaviors. Furthermore, I examine how these contextual factors may interact with the effect of ad content on a consumer's mobile ad response tendency.