Finding dense subgraphs and interesting events in social networks

Associate Professor Mauro Sozio
Telecom ParisTech University

Chaired by
Dr Stephane BRESSAN, Associate Professor, School of Computing

18 May 2016 Wednesday, 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM

MR1, COM1-03-19


Algorithms for finding dense subgraphs are an important subroutine in many data mining tasks, in particular, community and event detection in social networks. Huge amount of data is produced daily by Facebook and Twitter users, calling for efficient algorithms being able to handle large amount of data evolving over time. In this talk, we shall present algorithms for efficiently finding dense subgraphs in an evolving graph and discuss some preliminary results on how they can be used for automatically finding interesting events in social networks.


Mauro Sozio is an associate professor of computer science at Telecom Paristech in Paris. Before being appointed associate professor in 2011, he held a visiting researcher position at IBM Almaden (USA) and a senior researcher position at the Max Planck Institute for computer science (Germany). He has published several research articles in top data mining and database conferences such as PVLDB, KDD, WWW, CIKM, etc. He is also serving as PC member in several major data mining and database conferences. In 2013 he was awarded a Google Faculty Research award for his work on dynamic graph mining and community/event detection.