An Introduction to Social Network Visualization and Analysis using Gephi

Mr. Prasanta Bhattacharya, Ph.D. Candidate
Chaired by
Ms. Tianhui Tan

08 Apr 2016 Friday, 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM

Executive Classroom, COM2-04-02


The study of social networks is among the most ubiquitous and exciting areas of scientific inquiry. From analyzing the dominance network of bumblebees in 1802, the earliest systematic study of social interactions, to calculating degrees-of-separation on the billion-large Facebook network in 2016, social network analysis (SNA) has seen significant advances over the years, spanning many academic disciplines. In this teaching seminar, I will introduce some fundamental notations and properties that are used to characterize such networks, and discuss a number of key network measures that have been commonly used in empirical studies, including some in contemporary IS research. I will also illustrate how a social network and its associated metrics can be generated and visualized using Gephi, an open-source network visualization and analysis tool that offers a set of user-friendly, yet powerful, features for performing SNA.


Mr. Prasanta Bhattacharya is a 4th year Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Information Systems in the School of Computing at National University of Singapore (NUS). His research interests lie broadly in the area of computational social science, where he leverages statistical and computational approaches for studying user behavior in large social networks and other online communities.

FACULTY DISCUSSANT: Assoc Prof Hahn Jungpil