Innovations in GPU Accelerated Computing

Dr John Ashley
NVIDIA's Senior IBM Developer Relationship Manager

Chaired by
Dr TEO Yong Meng, Associate Professor, School of Computing

15 Apr 2015 Wednesday, 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM

Executive Classroom, COM2-04-02


Moore's law has given us more and more transistors per chip generation, but recently, memory and interconnect bandwidth, even for accelerators, hasn't grown as quickly as compute power. NVIDIA is moving to a new performance curve - learn about what we are doing, and how the OpenPower framework is helping us get there.


Dr. John Ashley is NVIDIA's Senior IBM Developer Relationship Manager, based in Santa Clara, California. Previously at NVIDIA he was a Senior Solutions Architect covering Financial Services based in New York and then London, and supported NVIDIA's work with the Square Kilometer Array radio astronomy programs. He holds a doctorate in Computational Sciences and Informatics, and both BS and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering. His past work experience can best be described as varied - he has been a data scientist, project manager, systems architect, DBA, and developer - working in vendor, consulting, and end user firms in utilities, government, and finance. He holds a US Patent in predictive analytics.