Routine Reconfiguration in IT-Enabled Organizational Transformation
COM2 Level 4
Executive Classroom, COM2-04-02
While information technology (IT) is a key drive of organizational transformation in contemporary business environment, to leverage the power of IT and achieve successful organizational transformation is very challenging. Failure to reconfigure organizational routines is a major cause of the failure of IT-enabled organizational transformation. Since extant literature on how to reconfigure routines is limited, this thesis aims to explore the roles of routine reconfiguration, as well as how to conduct routine reconfiguration successfully, in IT-enabled organizational transformation. Specifically, two in-depth case studies are conducted. Study one investigates the roles of routine reconfiguration and the corresponding mechanisms in the context of e-commerce strategy implementation of traditional companies. By adopting ?routine as trajectory? as theoretical lens, study one reveals three roles of routine reconfiguration in the research context, and elucidates the mechanisms to attain these roles. Study two explores how to reconfigure interconnected routines with the support of ES in the IT-enabled organizational transformation in a traditional company. By adopting ?routine as trajectory? as theoretical lens, study two suggests that the routine reconfiguration of interconnected routines can be achieved via the process of cross-fertilization of business domain knowledge. Three approaches of cross-fertilization are further identified. The contributions, limitations, and future research directions are also discussed.
Ms Chen Jing (Elaine) is a Ph.D. candidate of the Department of Information Systems in the School of Computing at National University of Singapore (NUS). Her research interests include IT-enabled organizational routine, and other IT-enabled managerial issues. She has published her work in journals such as Information and Management.